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research grant

	I would like to improve my knowledge in Security of Computer
	Is there any possibility for obtaining a research grant?
	If yes, which is it?

		Best regards

		Research Institute for Informatics
		8-10 Av. Averescu	71316
		Bucharest 1
		fax 40-1-3128539


1. 	Name: 	Sendroiu
2. 	First name:	 Elena
3. 	Permanent address: 	ROMANIA, BUCHAREST
			Str. I. Urd{reanu no. 4, BL P23, sc. 1, ap. 14
			Sect. V  tel 6313709
4. 	Present residence: 	same as above
5. 	Date and place of birth: 	02.14.1960, village Provita de Sus,
					jud. PRAHOVA
6. 	Actual nationality:	romanian
7. 	Nationality by birth: 	same as above
8. 	Single, married, widowed, divorced: 	Single


9. 	University certificates and diplomas:
	M.S. Computer scientiest, 1983, Faculty of Computer Science/ Mathematics,
	 University of Bucharest, Bucharest.
	CIMPA CIMI INRIA School, Codes, Cryptography Information Theory
	Nice, September 5-17 1994

10. 	Knowledge of foreign languages : 
		French, English.


11.	 Occupied functions: institutions, position, period:
	1988 - Present. Since aug. 1988 I am working in Computer Science
	 Research Institute, Office Automation Research Group (OARG) as a
	 scientific researcher.
	1983-1988 during this period of time I was working, as a computer
	 analyst, in Nuclear Reactor Research Institute in special safety study team.

12. 	Present occupation: 
	I have ten years of experience in the areas of computer science work
	 and I am at present the responsable of a research project Security of
	 Computer Systems.
	In the meantime, I am an associated professor at the University of
	 Bucharest, Faculty of Computer Science & Mathematics and I have taught
	 a graduate level course entitled Software Systems.

13. 	List of your publications: titles, dates, journals:
	Cryptographic Algorithms, Research Reports  I.C. I. 20 June 1993
	Implementation of Outstanding Types of Cryptographic Algorithms,
	 Research Reports  I.C. I. 20 December 1993
	Analysis  of Cryptographic Algorithms Complexity and of Cryptanalysis
	 Schemes ,Research Reports  I.C. I. 30 March 1994

	Cryptographic Algorithms, Romania Journal of Information Technology and
	 Automatic  Control, No. 1/1994.

14. 	Give a short description of the research you performed and are actually
	 involved with:
The most important fields of my activity are:

= 3-dimensional graphic representation of structure models which  determine the
 stress and deformation with finite elements;
= representation of artificial accelerograms and floor response  spectra at
 different elevations of buildings;
= representation of structure vibration modes.

	In the last time, my research activity was focused on the cryptology and
	 criptosystems field.
	For this purpose I assimilated the present state of the art of the
	 field as reflected in the international publications available in Romania.
	As an application to this I have designed a specific procedure to
	 authenticate user passwords which was later incorporated in the
	 operating system extension for limitation of user access to MS-DOS
	 I have designed and implemented.

					Elena Sendroiu 